Singing bowls, also known as Himalayan bowls, Tibetan bowls, DhoniPatra(sound, vessel), and suzu gongs, are used for meditation, healing purposes, yoga, religious purpose, sound yoga, sound meditation with chantings, music which have great medicinal and healing powers used from ancient time. Singing bowls are a 2500-year tradition in the "Bon" tradition. In the far western region of Nepal, this practice was famous by baidhangya Bidhya. The sides and rims of singing bowls vibrate to produce sound and vibration, which balances our body's physical, mental-emotional, and spiritual energy. It affects all cells in our body; Increases vital energy flow, creativity, intuition, and motivation; Removes blockages and toxins and stimulates circulations; Purify and harmonizes our emotions and feelings; Strengthens the immune system and reduces stress; Helps to recover after illness, traumas and invasive medical treatments Changes our old patterns of behaviors, habits, and ways of thinking and connects with the higher self.
- Use it as a way to heal thru sound.
- Meditative tool. To connect with your inner vibration
- It can be part of your altar.